Wise Care 365 Pro 4.9.1 All the ideas and discussions
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recently accessed file list in MS Office

I can see that Wise Care deletes all references in the recently accessed lists of MS Office Word & Excel documents. Please (!) consider ignoring documents in the 'recently accessed list' that are PINNED to the access list. Consider the fact that a document is pinned because I expect to re-access that document again...and often. It is extremely inconvenient to find all references to my often-used documents disappear--and now I have to navigate through some convoluted folder paths to reestablish the references for several dozen documents/spreadsheets.

In fact, my suggestion is that Wise Care ignore ALL entries in the 'recently accessed' lists. This list is one of the most useful features that Microsoft has ever developed for MS Office.

Yes, I expect that I can flag these files as "do not delete" somewhere in Wise Care...in fact, I thought I did. But I was mistaken. When it's harder to identify the module that identifies what internal lists are deleted than it is to restore the list itself...I begin to think that it's not worth the effort--or the software. You have to appreciate that the nomenclature you use to identify your modules, and what they do, may not be the same terminology that I would use. ("intuitively obvious" is an amazingly misleading[?] phrase.)

M.A.Jackson , 31.07.2018, 17:40
Idea status: under consideration


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